Sunday 28 January 2007

stoopid biological clock


I want another baby. Why is this happening to me? I have two beautiful little boys - and now all of a sudden - I have this ache for another baby!

It doesn't help that plenty of people around me are pregnant. Steph my SIL is 12 weeks pregnant, another friend is 20 weeks and my gorgeous friend Isis is 37 weeks. My fundraising partner is 12 weeks pregnant as well. All the cluckiness is just making me want to get pregnant ASAP!

I know that it isn't the best idea yet - I have to get some study completed and we cannot be this poor forever............ yes that is the rational part of me. The totally irrational part of me however is saying; 'stuff the mirena appointment.. '

I am putting a stop to all this too-ing and fro-ing. No more babies until I am 14 kilos lighter.

Let the games begin.

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