Happy Xmas eve everybody!
Sorry I have not been around much - we have been so busy, and I haven't been near the computer much (hmm, I need to be - but more on that later)
I've had an incredibly busy week - we've had;
My Dad come to visit for a whirlwind weekend
Yes you heard right. My Dad rushed in and then rushed out for a visit. I was sad that he didn't spend longer with me originally, but now to be perfectly honest.. I'm not sure I could cope with much longer. He literally is like a hurricane - whipping up and lurching from one situation to another. It was nice, he barely let go of me the entire time he was here - touching my arm - cuddling me, squeezing me. It was nice and I think I might have got to know him a little bit better too. He also came bearing gifts which were not expected, but greatly appreciated. I know he loves me. I really do, but I think he just finds it incredibly difficult to show this love to me, and the emotions scare him somewhat. He cried a little while he was here. I also had a number of phone calls from my aunt asking me to fly over to Perth as my grandmother is unwell. But I'm going to Sydney tomorrow, so any flights will have to happen after the 6th of January... watch this space. When I'm in a better frame of mind I will go into this visit further, I'm still just processing it all.
A 3yo birthday party
During the above chaotic visit, we had a little party for N. He invited 2 of his best friends (and their older brothers who happen to be best friends with J, so everybody was catered for) and went to his favourite park. Due to my Dad being here, J made a cake. I had promised N a 3D lightening McQueen cake - but that was very ambitious of me I must say! In the end, J cooked a cake and iced it to look like a road scene and put lightening McQueen and Chick on it. The children were still amazed by it and N was estatic that he had a Cars cake at all! It was such a beautiful warm, no hot day and a fun day was had by all. Normally we throw these mega-extravaganzas with 15 children, but you know what? They can be just as fun with 2 of your closest friends.
Xmas present buying
Yesterday we again armoured up and went into the fray that is known as Knifepoint. It actually wasn't as busy as I expected it to and I managed to get quite a few things at discounted price! Hooray! All presents are done, all gifts are wrapped and waiting till tonight for going underneath the tree. J and I renegged on our earlier agreement of no presents and bought each other a novel.
This is why we are buying J a camera for Xmas; (hint: look into the reflection on my sunglasses)
Organisation for our holiday
Eek, trying to get that done. So far I've packed the children's luggage - and just waiting on borrowing a suitcase from my Mum to pack ours. Two days ago I went to Savers and spent $100 on some gorgeous vintage pieces and dresses - god I love that store. So my suitcase could be overflowing... We are also having people come to stay for a couple of days, so we need to have the house in excellent shape when we leave. The family that are staying are lovely, and I want to make sure they are comfortable. I am slightly concerned about how our cat is going to go, in the last week he has decided to sleep on top of us every night (ie - sleeping on my chest, when I turn over he falls off but he gets straight back on). I best warn the family about that LOL. I am so looking forward to our holiday, I can't believe we are going tomorrow!
Haven't heard a peep from the job yet. I'm losing hope about getting an interview, but I'm actually not that concerned you know? I wasn't sure that I was ready to go to work 4 days per week and I already do have a temporary position at my placement starting in Feb anyway. Something will come for me, I know it.
Haven't done a thing, still. Today is the day that I am going to cut stuff out and have a good go at it. I promised my supervisor I'd put something in the mail for her to read over the holidays..exciting stuff, yes? She has also asked me if I could do 2 presentations for incoming students next year about my research and I'm just a girl who can't say no. I find it very difficult to say no, so looks like next year, I'll be doing 2 uni presentations!
Tagged by Shel
We are having Xmas eve dinner tonight and this is whats on the menu;
prawn cocktails (a nod to my favourite decade - the '80s)
Cumin salt pork rack with baked peaches
potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, garlic beans, cauliflower cheese etc
Cylie's ice cream pudding; ice cream with pistachio nuts, turkish delight, marshmallows, frozen raspberries and custard. Good god, it's going to be GOOD.
No alcohol for me - I'm on antibiotics due to a nasty sinus/no voice infection that I'm battling; so soda water for me tonight.
Take care and Merry Xmas all. I probably will not post again until early Jan. Take care and for some of you, I'll catch you soon xx