Let me just start off by saying that I don't actually have memorable dreams much. I've had a handful of recurring dreams, especially when I was younger - but maybe once every couple of months I will wake up and remember a dream from the night before. Generally they are sad and I wake myself crying.
But not last night. Last night I had a beautiful, beautiful dream. I was pregnant - nobody was around and I remember feeling a pressure, uncomfortable and that labour might be soon. I stood up and walked outside and felt immense pressure - pressure like the baby was starting to descend into the birth canal. I sat down, leaning back upon my feet and looked down and saw that my baby was about to crown so I put my hands down and helped to guide the babies head out. The babies eyes were wide open facing me and its neck was flexed trying to see what was going on. It was very quickly born and I looked down and saw it was a little girl. My heart lept with joy. I stood up carefully, aware of the unbilical cord and waddled off to get some assistance with the placenta. But there was nobody around, I felt crampy and knew the placenta was coming so put my baby girl to my breast to help it along.
I woke and told James about this very vivid dream. He was disappointed that he didn't feature and was very interested in the finer details of what she looked like (she was big and had no hair!! - but had the same massive eyes as her brothers). Then he told me about his dream of the night - in which I admitted to him that I would most likely cheat on him! Just a dream James, just a dream!
In other news, our house is pretty sick at the moment. I've woken up with a very sore throat, so looks like I'm next dammit! James and I are enjoying our last week of holidays together - he has been asked to work for one week at the old school he was employed at last year. So the poor thing will be losing on of his uni holiday weeks. He will using the weeks employment to network and find out about the possiblity of securing a graduate position there for next year. Also in other news regarding James... he has been advised of next semesters placement. He has been placed in one of the top state schools in Victoria! I wonder how different it will be to where he was placed during the first six months of the year (a school in a very low socio-economic area).
Also as you can see from my previous entry - placement selection is also upon me. Negotiations are still taking place for my much wanted placement at RWH - but I have to face facts that I am not likely to get it. I have decided though that above all, I want to be placed at a hospital. So I'm also looking at a Cancer hospital, neuropsychiatry and a private hospital. I want the hospital experience above all. Applications are due next week and by the end of this month, I will know where I am going. Very, very exciting!
15 years ago
Well that is just freaky because I had a nanna nap today and also dreamed I gave birth to a baby girl, all by myself! She looked just like Luke....then I woke up with a sore throat!
Can you get into the Royal Childrens for your placement? I can imagine you would meet a vast array of clients there. I saw a fantastic SW there years ago when Luke was having his allergy tests.
Now that is bizarre!
For my first pref I have put RWH, RCH and then Sunshine (greedy aren't I?) - but the first two are Melbourne university hospitals so I am not holding out much hope. Monash does have a few hospitals available like Epworth etc so as long as I get one I'll be ok.
Can you go to St Vincents Private? I'll be there soon. You can come and visit! :-P
Oh throat is all better too, and no signs of any baby girls popping out of me just yet lol.
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