Friday 28 November 2008


Another year.

Day went like this.

Barely slept due to Bo-bo sick.

Wake up - to presents; beautiful bag (seriously beautiful), earrings and a silver briefcase of make up.

Receive phone call from my best friend over in England - forget that I'm supposed to be getting ready for uni as I sink into the couch and chat with her. God I love and miss her so much.

Breakfast - J makes me french toast with bacon. Yes I'm spoilt.

Off on the relatively empty train to uni - where I hear how to write a CV (yes, I've been doing it correctly for the past 14 years). Meet with my thesis supervisor who tells me she is impressed with my results chapter (that is a birthday present in itself). During a lecture I receive this text message from my mum
"I've tried to call you, I know you are very busy. You were born just over
30 mins ago, 32 years ago and what a beautiful baby you
were. You have grown into a beautiful young woman. So happy
birthday A, love mum"
I sooked. Goodbye lunch with the other students and academics. Wow, 2 weeks and we are there. 2 weeks and my placement is OVER.

Run to the train, get off at work and meet my supervisor - laugh hysterically all the way to our meeting for the afternoon. So much laughter, it is supposed to be work - but we discuss all manner of things. Gee I'm going to miss her when I finish. She gives me a present (an eyebrow wax voucher, which her partner frowned upon saying 'what do you think she's going to think about that?', whereas I was so happy. Eyebrow waxes are something I just cannot afford - so off to get the furry things shaped today)

Back from meeting and catch 6pm train home. Call mum to let her know I'll be home, so she comes over to see me. Have a quick dinner, cuddle with boys and then off to kinder AGM where I nominate to be vice-chair again.

Home at 8.40pm.

Such a busy day, yet still filled with my friends and people that I care about. I'm having dinner with my family tonight, and I think there is cake on saturday night with the boys so I'm looking forward to that.

What I'm not looking forward to is the crazy day I have at work today. Very tough and challenging stuff will probably be happening today. Can't say much more than that.

2 weeks to go.


Anonymous said...

Oh happy birthday Lex!!! Sounds like you had a fantastic day. You deserve it!

I shall catch up with you for a belated birthday drink (or an early birthday drink for me!) in the new year. I am really looking forward to it :-)

Being Me said...

*sniff* Awww what a beautiful message from your Mummy!

Happy (belated, horribly) birthday :)