Just a heads up; this post may illustrate me as an uptight perfect parent, but I hope not.
For the last 24 hours we have been nursing, rocking, cooing, washing, cleaning vomit with towels, changing sheets, washing our entire sheet collection, feeding electrolyte icypoles to and worrying about our little boten boy, N.
Every 45 minutes from around 11pm last night little boten has been vomiting. He has had a brief break for a couple of hours where he lay lethargic, spent from all of the violent vomiting that he has had to endure over the past few hours - but he has appeared to have started back up again.
All fairly normal, albeit heartbreaking to watch, childhood illnesses, right? Well yes. BUT. They had close contact with another set of children a couple of days ago and the family failed to disclose that the youngest child was struggling with diarrhea and had been previously vomiting. And what do you know..hey, presto - 48 hours later - my baby comes down with it. Now this has pissed me off somewhat. I understand that we don't know when our children are going to get sick and unfortunately only hours before N's sickness started he was sharing a pool and gallivanting around in the sunshine with 3 of his buddies. But I dutifully informed them this morning and apologised in advance if they contract this most awful strain of gastro.
Anyway (get to the point Lex, I hear you saying) - I rang the parent* from where the gastro originated from (actually for another reason initially) and the conversation went icy, then heated and resulted in her hanging up on me (defensive and an overreaction from her - I certainly wasn't raising my voice - but just exhausted etc). So anyway as I sit here I wonder, am I the odd one out in reacting like this? I work full time. My babies get such little precious time with me. I also must devote a great chunk of my weekend to my thesis. Unfortunately due to this weekend of illness, we have had barely any sleep, barely any uni work done, we've had to miss a birthday party and because our baby will still not totally be recovered by tomorrow, we have to tag team the day. J has a presentation at 11 @ uni that he cannot miss and I have to facilitate meetings with consultants and family in the afternoon - at least that doesn't clash so we can tag-team, but I get no sick leave - I have to make that time up! All minor complaints, but something I would not wish upon other people - hence why I keep my children at home, not at care and hopefully away from infecting other people - this was clearly not the case in the above situation.
god, just read this back and it sounds like I'm a whinging 'ol mother. I'm not, I try to be carefree I do, but sickness stuff I just do not budge from my reasonings - if they appear sick to me they stay home from childcare - I do have or make playdates with other children if I believe mine might be infectious.
Am I too uptight? Do I need to loosen up and share the love as well as much bacteria as my children can handle?
*parent is close friend (or was - eek).
15 years ago
I don't think you're being uptight. I'd be annoyed to. I don't know from where you and James get the energy and the endurance to do what you do already, without throwing sick boys into the mix.
I hope that they're feeling better soon and that you and James are spared. Just a few weeks to go, Lex. Just a few weeks.
:( Poor boy, I really hope he is feeling better soon! And poor you and J!
I completely agree with you. Hannah picked up a bug from care that she (unknowingly) took into the hospital just after Toby was born (while he was in the SCN) which was passed on to Toby, and extended his stay. It was also passed to one of the other babies just before they were discharged, and they ended up coming back in.
When I cancelled Hannah's day at care the following week (because she was unwell at this point) the receptionist responded with "Oh yeah, there were a couple sick with that when she was here last week."
So, yeah, completely agree with you!
I completely agree with you Lex. Sick children need to be at home resting and recouperating, not out and about sharing their germs with all and sundry.
I'm so sorry you lost your weekend family time. With DH working the hours he does and me studying I know how precious that time is and how much we look forward to it. When you lose a weekend it's devestating.
Do you think N might have rota virus? Sam got that when we were in Sydney and he was so very sick for about five days.
I hope he is better soon poor little mite. Hang in there Lex, as Mel said, only a few weeks to go :)
Well I've received an email which basically says that my child did not catch anything from her child, and said he didn't even have gastro - even though cc says there has been one confirmed case - HERS.
To the person that deleted their comment, I wish you hadn't done that - but luckily I did get to read what you had written via my email - I agree with what you're saying too - but sometimes it does transcend that. Mine isn't about friendship - it is about responsibility you know? I'm not asking for everything to always go my way, but a thought or two from the person about how her actions may impact on other people is what I'm looking for. Unfortunately t he message that I'm getting from the person is that they are the only person that is important to consider.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
Comment deleted.. I've taken your advice.
I think if it was a good friend and it ended with her hanging up on you then it probably didn't go very well from both sides. I know the frustration, and believe me I know the panic when you have to juggle and realise you just can't and it's not fair.
But I don't usually blame anyone else, because getting sick is just one of those things you know? But after no sleep and at this point in the year it's not like I'm going to be rational at all. So you have my sympathies Lex.
I'd be very dirty. Extremely dirty. And, I'd probably be hung up on too.
NOTHING irritates me more than people taking sick kids out and about in the first place; let alone sharing it around.
In saying that though; it IS life, just like Jenn said; it's just a bugger that, instead of getting it randomly, it's hand delivered with a special ribbon to your door.
THAT irritates me.
I hope he's better soon sweet.
Thanks Jenn and Shel - I did sort it out because the friendship does mean more. It turns out when I rang her she herself was sick and so when I mentioned it, she became super defensive herself. We both apologised to each other and things are alright. But Shel, what you said is exactly how I felt about it - I understand that sickness abounds, but I would NEVER do it on purpose, I guess I just don't understand those that would.
I wish I could say that about my little boy though. Yesterday we had our first ever trip to RCH. He is still vomiting :( .
Oh Lex your poor little man. How is he today? How are you going keeping up with things while he is sick?
Just in case you have it in the cupboard Lex a dose of phenergan can often work really well to stop the vomiting. I use it as our "do we need to take you to see a doctor" measure - if they don't stop after that then we see the doctor. It's a recognised anti-emetic.
FWIW I think you made the right decision Lex. Obviously the friendship was worth more than one mistake, shows your integrity.
Hope you're all better by now.
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