Wednesday 9 April 2008

Hello from the bogs of the ethics submission...


So it seems right about now it is time to get serious about my thesis. So here we go.

The question is as follows;

How do (Melbourne) hospitals respond to women who experience early miscarriage?

Now that the wheels are beginning to turn I now have less than 2 weeks to submit a 30 something page ethics application for approval! So now, I am sitting here trying to work out explanatory statements, questions and topics I will discuss with my participants - how to make sure they aren't harmed in anyway! Dear god. Yes I'm floundering a tad, can you tell?

Exercise is going well again. Back at the gym yesterday and I did a full 30 mins of boxing followed by another 30 minutes of weights. My body is feeling it today! I'll get there again today when my headache subsides a bit.

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